Thursday, June 10, 2004

zot zot bango!

Dutch Unibrow encircling a town gone mad. Glistening in her battleshorts, straight pig tails disgusting the guinea pig on TV. How did he get his own TV show anyway? Just take this prod for your bottom and finish my thought, I'm far too busy.


Bunny rabbit Bunny Rabbit, stipend my losses, my bank foreclosure appled out the academy's loan and Nancy had to purchase the boots of a milkmaids auntie. Platypi platypi I repeated, some young guy. The Chinese food was delicious and those ribs couldn't have been more soft and juicy. Unless they were referring to T.S. Eliot; in other words there will be no frosted Roberts as long as e.e.'s still kicking.


The denture's velocity have reached their insane pitch. There is no chance of winning the baseball game. Even with 156 orchids. The ugly clocks and lamps will not be outplayed.


Coco beans? Recycle you animals. It may not save the environment but it makes for a clever bumper sticker, albeit one that I don't fully understand and therefore not as funny as it could be. Maybe it was recycle your pets. . .now that's funny!(?)Who can really be sure in this hurly burdy gurdyless world in which we live. The wisdom of this statement can be further reflected on in this one:
A little Furt please.


How does one count the stars at night?
Like cheerleaders in flight.
Battlestar Galactica consumes my waste,
fortunately I excrete in the form of paste.


The funny smelling bag smiled quietly to itself, "Soon," it thought,"Soon you shall know of the beginnings." Towering slimy legged mud, beasting its way to oblivion, Papa Smurf its only true witness. pale fleshy thighs grasping my face gives me the CBGBs it does. This can't go on much longer, your eyes are too big. I can't stomach them. F L A P F L A P F L A P F L A P .


My flatulence roils with desire. Disembarking from the body electric, seething with biological rage. Obscenely penetrating the night into the wayward and unsuspecting hearts of men. Slowly, slowly it corrupts.