Friday, September 29, 2006

Mac Attack

Here are some fabulous pictures of me, courtesy of Afterpants that I refuse to explain.
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Friday, September 15, 2006

A Theory

Here's my theory:

The guy who invented Red Bull travelled through his TV (a la Captain N the Game Master) into a Gummi Bears episode and brought back the secret recipe of Gummi Berryjuice.

That's what I think.

By the by, best cartoon theme song ever. Maybe not the best but Very triumphant. If you don't know it, check it out.

To the PopeMobile!

Na na na na na na na nan na naaaa!!

I was going to make an evil Emperor joke like i assure you this station is fully operational or soemthing but this picture makes him look more like Yoda to be honest.
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For those of you who aren't into the news this here dude basically just said Mohammed only brought evil things to his religion. Why someone in a position of would make shots at Islam right now is beyond me but whatever.

Hell in a handbasket.

Are fall out shelters expensive?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The End of an Era

Howdy folks,
As some of you may know or may not know my radio show Bazooka Radio and my most excellent friend Curtis' show Gamma Radio have been cancelled for little to no reason. Well, I wasn't given a reason but Curtis was told that CJMQ was no longer playing "hard" music because there wasn't demographic in the Eastern Townships to support such shows. Gamma Radio was a "hard" music show so that left him with few options. Curtis and I are understandably upset and the way this was handled was pretty unprofessional. I haven't talked to the directors yet because I'm mad and I don't want to cause any trouble. I'm currently in the process of finding out what the best course of action is to "fight for our rights" so to speak. Any suggestions would be appreciated. But for now if you could send an email to the station director (Maureen Teasdale, the person who cancelled us) asking what happened to our shows to:

we would really appreciate it. Just something like, "hey what happened to Bazooka/Gamma Radio? I liked that/those show(s)." Just a simple note is fine. Anything even slightly antagonistic will probably be replied to with threats or an initiation to a fight or some such ridiculous thing so that's your own prerogative. So if you know anyone who enjoyed our shows or any show that played punk/hardcore/metal music please send them this email as well and write in and ask where all the good music went. Let them know there IS a demographic in the Eastern Townships for music that isn't lame and that they can't just cancel radio shows because they don't particularly like the dj.

Thanks very much, we appreciate any help at all,

p.s. I may, in the future look into getting a show on a Sherbrooke indie station if nothing good comes out of the CJMQ deal.

Waiting for food

I drew this a couple months ago whilst waiting for food with my Bro Matt. He posted it on his blog (see matt's army in the links area) So I figured I'd stick it on here just for an update.
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So registration this year was much easier. they tell full time students a lot more stuff than they tell the part timers, it's not that difficult really since part timers are told nothing at all. I even got advice this time around! Can you believe that? BANANAS. And free hotdogs. That's really somthing.

My textbooks even look interesting. Art to 1950 has a sexy text book.



Pants Guy 4 Life

Friday, September 01, 2006

New Albums to release

Well we finally recorded some albums but we had to travel back in time to get our producers in 600AD, then bring them to 1983 to record these tapes.
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They turned out pretty well. They're priced at 28.99 and can be found on Quality Records!! You can also order them by phone if you watch channel 58 around 4am.


Important ifo for the 3 to 4 BILLION peeps that peep my log (HAHAHA) i first came to recognise the greatness of the CHUNG a few months ago when I saw his ding dangness on then today I came across his blog via the Mighty Jeff Soto's blog. Now that man crush has turned to love.

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