Friday, July 14, 2006

The World is a Depressing Place

Over the past couple years I've started reading the news with relative frequency and hell ass damn the world is a terrible place. Ignorance really can be bliss. Remember those "Let's talk about Sharing" kind of books? Those were good books. It's obvious to me that most world leaders didn't have these books when they were tots. They probably had books like "Let's talk about Bombing the Shit out of Neighboring Countries" "Let's Talk About Worshipping Money!" etc.
I'm not super informed on most issues so it's not like i think I have the corner on truth here but people who think a war against terrorism can end aren't really thinking clearly. Terrorists can be anywhere and everywhere and anyone. That's why they're not called the army or soemthing. They're just people. proably mostly people whose lives have been ruined/shaped by the constant war in their part of the world. But honestly what do I know? i'm from Saskatchewan. I'm just venting.

I read this in an article today:

Should his tactics push Hezbollah or Hamas — whose militants captured an Israeli soldier in Gaza last month — into freeing or killing their captives, Israel could be in a position to knock its most bitter enemies out of the game for good.

It's talking about Isreal bombing the hezbollah in Lebanon. It's worth noting the only people killed so far (i think on both sides, except 8 soldiers killed in isreal by hezbollah attacks) have been civilians. I don't believe that any party/faction in the middle east could ever conceivably "knock out" as in eliminate forever any other faction/party. There will always be soemone left over to start up a new one that will probably be even more extreme than the group before. Hatred is easily perpetuated and all this bombing and rocketing and killing is seriously messing with me.
I can't imagine what it must have been like to be alive during one of the world wars. the stress must have been unimaginable.

It's days like today that make me wish i gave a crap about who Paris Hilton was dating( AKA having meaningless sex with) or how many babies famous people have.

I'm just tired of constant hostility and violence by people who should know better. these people are RU(I)NNING THE WORLD.


fight violence : )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, sir. Well said

12:02 PM  
Blogger Matt X said...

I think I wrote that "Let's talk about bombing neighbouring countries" book. Or at least I now plan to.

Seriously, I'm sick and tired of turning on the news and hearing about war this, terrorism that, ect.

What is the deal with people man? Why are we so intent on self destruction? It's as if we're just constantly searching for new ways to bring about or own extinction. I don't understand, I'll never understand the way the human race rationalizes killing, or for that matter how we seemingly openly promote greed under the guise of "competition", or plunder in the name of progress.

2:21 AM  
Blogger Etienne said...

I'm tempted to say the state of socio-political turmoil our civilization finds itself in is the natural consequence of the Cartesian mindset.

The rationalization of murder is impactful, not so much in the minds of those who perpetrate it (the rationalization being perhaps even more taxing on morality than the murderous deed itself) but rather on the murder's mute witnesses. To maintain their power in spite of morality, the elite requires the tacit consent of the masses, & the apathy of the intelligentsia which is all bark & no bite.

Because we all know that come the next election, the majority of our population will still vote, into this vast exercise in futility, for conspirators who plot politics as their personal careers. While Walmart/Coca-Cola/Esso are killing millions as the result of the lifestyle they sell/impose, nobody is going to take up arms because...

We are pacifists? No. Because we are persuaded that, so long as we disagree, we are in fact doing our part. We buy into the myth of "mind over matter." But "I think, therefore I am" is perhaps the deadliest lie of the last millenium. Life is only affirmed through manifestation -- in quiet contemplation we only exist so much as is convenient for ourselves & our immediate surroundings, with no more positive moral impact than a fly.

(The threat of rationalization, & modern media, is -- in the very ontological sense -- the menace of unlife in a culture of oblivion. In an egalitarian world, a society of perennial peace would necessarily have to be diverse & primitive, with completely different concepts of rights. Their might be more tragedy, & even a shorter lifespan -- but nothing like the vast existential voids of today, in which the prospect of endless war is no more meaningful than theories about life on mars.)

So if the war on Hezbollah in the "innocent" country of Lebanon -- or war in the more general sense -- is only made possible through a rationalization, a fiction which ultimately supports corporate interests, an implicit part of this rationalization is the pacifists' lethargy.

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel you. Believe me.

10:22 PM  

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