Monday, September 26, 2005

Two unrelated pictures

I had to scan my college diploma for my application and i had forgotten that this picture was behind it. It's my graduating class. The guy on the far left had a gold 1980s Corvette which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen anyone own. And hte old guy in the back is Bob Roper, he was head of A&R of Warner Bros. Music i nthe 80s so he knows pretty much everyone and currently manages Laurence Gowan otherwise known as GOWAN. ie. "you're a strange animal, that's what I know." I look stoned. (I'm not) I also kind of look like I'm playing air guitar on my diploma. (this is quite possible)

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And i finally found this picture. I printed it to test our new printer and i think it turned out pretty well. It's one of my few pictures I've taken that I think look really awesome, Like I think I might frame the one I printed and put it up or give it to soemone for Christmas.

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p.s. Oliver and Josie are taking Roscoe tonight. And that's cool. I'm glad he'll have a home.


Blogger Etienne said...

I'm glad Roscoe found a home.
I very much like the red face, & the icicles have great field-depth.

(I'm jealous.)

8:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Those pictures are pretty cool. I really like the icicle one. It's very artistic and professional looking. By the way, I met Roscoe the other night and he's really nice. He scratched Etienne though.

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm guessing they didn't have a panoramic lens and that's why neil haverty isn't in the picture. get it? BECAUSE NOW HE'S FAT.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. that's nice to find.
thanks to whoever murderhouse is.

fat! in caps!

fat neil haverty

3:59 PM  

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