Something less verbose and intelligent
I just got an idea from an Achewood ( ) alt text.
Get a dude from a third world country on survivor. Make up an elaborate back story so everyone thinks he's a normal amercian dude. Since he's already pretty impoverished and used to being pretty hungry, he'd smoke all those doofus mofos. AND he'd have the added incentive of bringing a million bucks back to his hometown and basically savign al lthe folks and being the town most rad dude instead of just some lucky jackass with a big house in California.
That would be cool. And probably pretty not politically correct but I don't care. This is the internet man. You can watch people having sex with animals on here. I'm not that offensive by a stretch.
Rock on!
I just got an idea from an Achewood ( ) alt text.
Get a dude from a third world country on survivor. Make up an elaborate back story so everyone thinks he's a normal amercian dude. Since he's already pretty impoverished and used to being pretty hungry, he'd smoke all those doofus mofos. AND he'd have the added incentive of bringing a million bucks back to his hometown and basically savign al lthe folks and being the town most rad dude instead of just some lucky jackass with a big house in California.
That would be cool. And probably pretty not politically correct but I don't care. This is the internet man. You can watch people having sex with animals on here. I'm not that offensive by a stretch.
Rock on!
On behalf of NAISLA (North American
Interspecies Love Association)
I must inform you that your comments
regarding what you might term "Bestiality" to be derogatory and offensive. When will people get rid
of their narrow minded view of man on
cow love? Me and my life partner Bessy
have been together 6 years now, and
our love is pure and beautiful. We plan
on getting married next year, if propostion 518-A passes.
So please, try to be more sensitive
in the future. Cows need lovin' too.
Bob Barker
(Note: the above parody e-mail is in no way meant to make fun of gay marriage,
I am not euating homosexuality to bestiality, I'm not Fox News. It is however, making fun of NAMBLA, the
North American Man Boy Love Association, a real organization trying
to fight for the rights, and justify the actions of pedophiles. I also do not identify Nambla with the gay community, once again, unlike Fox News.)
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