Thursday, April 27, 2006


This company , makes security objects cute. Much like this razor wire made out of butterflies and broken glass topped fences that look like glass sculpture and heart shaped chains, teddy bear locks and kooky character pointed fence tops.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Aesthetically speaking, i like it, I mean I'd rather see sculpture than soem broken glass and razor wire but the subtext on stuff liek this isn't very happy. It's like it's passing off suspicion mistrust and protection of property causing bodily harm  as cuteness.


Mixed emotions at best. Interesting though.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

T-Shirt Slogans

Sam and the band came up with these slogans for shirts. These are my favourites from the list. I also have like 20 of these at home that I was going to make into buttons.

1-Doppelganger Effekt significantly changed my life
2-DE ruined my life
10-DE knows the 5-point exploding heart technique
11-DE defeated Gamera and Mothra
13-DE uses sex as a weapon
17-DE is all afterpants
19-DE is the difference between right and wrong
21-DE may contain traces of peanuts
23-DE wears short shorts

Rock on dudes, for the rest see sam's blog and vote if you feel inclined I suppose.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Haiku Corner

We had a useless training the other day for an hour. I wrote these haikus and drew a bunch of doodles. Doodles to come sometime, I’ve been having computer problems at home. Anyone know if the place on campus is any good? Cheap, hopefully? Open during the summer, hopefully?

burning sensation
last night was a mistake
what sexy cacti

outlook on sausage
breakfast is a special time
to think of killing

i made a boo boo
please shoot me shoot me shoot me
makes me long for death

there was a scphincter
limp flabby effusive
aren’t you in love

so many tingles
beebly beebly boo
he is so handsome

i don’t want you to
see what i am doing
with this octopus

these links may excite you as much as they excite me:

Friday, April 21, 2006


Howdy, I jsut sent in my last final paper and am now officially finished the semester. Zoom. I did it on Pissarro and he was a pretty rad guy. I'd never heard of him before. I encourage everyone to check him out. Get a book to look through though, the pics o nthe interwub don't really do him justice.

here's my essay, edited by the one and only :


Rock on and enjoy

Pissarro's Paris Series Paintings as Art, Not Commodities

The final decade of Camille Pissarro’s life was an eventful one. During this period he created more than three hundred different paintings of urban scenes in and around Paris. While in the city he experienced some great hardships including: the death of a friend (Caillebotte), the death of a son, the long illness of another son and anti-Semitic rallies in the streets. Nevertheless, Pissarro still shows in his letters to family and friends a great joy and appreciation for the beauty of his surroundings (Shike 295). Pissarro used his art to transcend the hatred and pain around him (House 142). Many speculate that Pissarro used his urban series as a commodity to make money, but one might also just as well propose that they were an expression of his ongoing search for unity in his work (House 81). There has been much conjecture surrounding Pissarro’s Parisian city series containing; The Gare Saint-Lazare, The Boulevard Montemartre, The Avenue de l’Opéra, The Tuileries Gardens, The Square du Vert-Galant, The Pont Neuf and Quai Voltaire. What was the significance of the series paintings? Did Pissarro make a commodity of his art?

Pissarro created his urban series for many reasons. The motivation most critics seem to think of is the intention of his art dealer; to make money. Pissarro’s paintings of the city sold quite quickly and made him more comfortable financially than he had ever been (House 142). Also before anyone can criticize Pissarro for painting canvases of commercial value they must also take into consideration the emergence of independence from salons and art dealers, both relatively new concepts that artists were forced to latch on to for survival. It also becomes clear after reading anything about Pissarro that his anarchism would have made it difficult for him to live with himself if he was only doing it for the money. He had a fervent dislike of capitalists, bankers especially (Shike 232). It’s also true that he had reached his sixties and had a large family to take care of; one can be certain this was something he thought of often due to an indisputable love of his family. Pissarro was very excited about his new venture into urban painting, not so much about the motif and subject of the paintings but the effect of the weather and light on the city. He was astonished by the beauty that sunlight or rain could bring out on old grey roofs and dirty smokestacks (House 88). The unity involved in painting one scene under the influence of different elements was just what Pissarro loved. That special atmosphere the city could harness and reflect was something he knew he could transfer onto the canvas.

When looking at all of the series paintings it is quite simple to tell that they are all part of the same series. All are very distinctly Pissarro. After very little study, his almost trademarked speckled crosshatch style becomes distinctly recognizable. Pissarro has very excellent command of perspective, depth, composition, light and dark, and most of all color. Even paintings of grey, fog-covered days feel vibrant and alive, something one might wish was true of real life. Pissarro used an even and consistent unified tone throughout his series. He played with changing light and weather conditions to make his scenes change greatly no matter how many times he would paint the same bridge or boulevard (House 142). To enhance the weather effects he thinned out his whites to make them more transparent, to give them purer hues It gave his new paintings a different look that critics noticed (Shike 294). Most of the paintings in the series were painted from indoors due to Pissarro’s increasing difficulties with his eyes and infections (Shike 293). An element in Pissarro’s cityscapes that differs from Monet’s or Caillebotte’s is that although he was painting from indoors, he would never show a window frame or curtain. There are no allusions to Pissarro himself, all attention is on the scene ahead. The viewer is not a participant in the painting, but an observer from afar (Pissarro xxv). However distant from the scene the viewer is, the space does not detract from the fact that no detail is overlooked in a Pissarro city scene. Where Monet would sometimes dissolve the figures in curving strokes, Pissarro makes every person painted a caricature with definitive shape and style (Pissarro xxii). Pissarro believed working from memory in the studio cleaned up the image and made it into something he felt rather than something he saw. He used himself as an artistic filter of reality (House 81). Pissarro’s skill as a painter is not the question here, however; the meaning and depth of these arguably commodified urban landscapes are.

In the urban series paintings it becomes simple to grasp what a city is all about. Despite it being over a hundred years since they were painted, the viewer is still very aware of the same feelings Pissarro sent to us through time via his work. His street scenes bustling with people really impress upon the viewer the movement that a busy city street can contain, especially in Boulevard Montmartre: Shrove Tuesday (O’Donovan 19). The street is filled to the brim with people. Pissarro wasn’t just concerned with content however; he would always seek a harmony between the sky, earth and water before starting any painting, taking the pieces and putting them together as a whole (Pissarro xlix). Pissarro saw the city as an example of injustice & the evils of the modern capitalist world. His series paintings had high vantage points, depersonalizing the city. Watching the city from on high is not a neutral view. It brings to mind topographical maps of the time that an invading army would put to use for their nefarious needs. The perspective also represents and opposing concept, postcards popular at the time were of a similar position. They were used to showboat the new city and its glamorous new boulevards. Pissarro's previous paintings of rural peasants were close-up and very personal, whereas his new paintings of the city were far away and impersonal. Distanced, not integrated as he was in the rural landscapes (House 82, 84) This perspective helps to illustrate Pissarro’s feelings about the city.
One might ask, “where are Pissarro’s politics?” as he assembles these pretty harmonious postcard-like images. Where is the Jewish Anarchist? The only hint at Pissarro’s politics in his foray into urban painting was his choice of locations. One must first note the recent Haussmannization of Paris and take that into consideration. The locales chosen by Pissarro all correspond to important parts of Old Paris. The Avenue de l’Opera is built over the remains of the Butte des Moulins, a tightly packed anarchistic community that was rolled over by the march of progress. His paintings of the view over the Tuileries Gardens show an area that was once the site of ruins which symbolized the government’s suppression over the commune (House 141). The figures in the Paris paintings are on their way somewhere else, none of them are caught in the moment. None are enjoying the beauty of the scene around them, they are in a capitalist system, off to spend or make money, like most modern cities (Pissarro xxix). Pissarro had also recently completed a series of drawings entitled Les Turpitudes sociales which were biting political commentary of the Anarchist sort, mostly pictures involving crowds of exploited people, or the exploiting people in cities, coincidentally (Shike 237). Another important point to draw attention to is the lack of representation of the Eiffel Tower and the Notre de Dame de Paris, important Paris landmarks that would have easily bolstered sales. Pissarro understood the Eiffel Tower as a capitalist symbol and the Notre Dame would be a symbol of Catholicism of which he was also no great supporter (Pissarro xxxv). His politics are very subtle in his paintings but present elsewhere and lurking just beneath the surface. With background information included it is difficult to think of the urban series as mere money makers.

Was Pissarro’s Paris series commodified? In a way, yes. In the same way that all art can become commercialized and for sale. Many artists and other creative people suffer the same problem today. Did Pissarro paint the urban series just for the money? It is unlikely that any amount of research could come up with evidence to support that statement. It is true that Pissarro was able to make enough money before he died to support his family and leave them with an inheritance, but one can easily see he painted the Paris city series for the love of his art. Pissarro was devoted to the sensations he could communicate with paint and had finally reached a point in his life where he thought unity would be possible to achieve. Adding around three hundred urban scenes to balance out a lifetime of rural scenes appears to be an attempt at that unity, if nothing else. In Pissarro’s own words about his career, “I began to understand my sensations, to know what I wanted, at around the age of forty - but only vaguely; at fifty, that is in 1880, I formulated the idea of unity, without being able to render it; at sixty, I am beginning to see the possibility of rendering it” (House 81).


1) Brettell, Richard R. & Pissarro, Joachim (1992) The Impressionist and the City : Pissarro’s Series Paintings, York University Press, New Haven and London.

4) House, John (1993). Anarchist or Esthete? Pissarro in the City, Art in America, 11/93, Vol. 81 Issue 11, p 80, 13p.

5) O’Donovan, Leo J. (1993). The City as a Stage for Time: Camille Pissarro’s Serial Cityscapes, America; 4/24/93, Vol. 168 Issue 14, p18, 5p.

6) Shikes, Ralph E. & Harper, Paula (1980). Pissarro: His Life and Work, Horizon Press – New York.

to look at paintings I recommend the first book on the list there in the Bishop's library, but here are soem links for those not as interested: = The Gare Saint Lazare = Boulevard Montmartre, Tuileries Gardens, Pont Neuf = Avenue de l’Opera = Square de Vert Galant

This just in: I got a 34 out of 40 (85%) on this essay, which according to my prof, is an A. Zoom!
Looks like I should be getting into my program in September. Doot doot dooday!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dead Presidents

I found these quotes today and i found them to be failry uplifting, well the "press on" one i liked a lot.
It's funny to think that presidents and polititians in general used to be intelligent and had words of wisdom and everything they said wasn't a "you might be a redneck if. . ." joke.

What a world, what world.

"We do not need more intellectual power, we need more moral power. We do not need more knowledge, we need more character. We do not need more government, we need more culture. We do not need more law, we need more religion. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen. If the foundation be firm, the foundation will stand."

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

"Collecting more taxes than absolutely necessary is legalized robbery."

"I have noticed that nothing I never said ever did me any harm."

Calvin Coolidge

I bet Calvin Coolidge was never almost assassinated by a pretzel.

Our home on Native Land

This kind of crap really bothers me. Their whole country was stolen and most of them were executed and the governement can't move their subdivision somehwere else? Give me a break.

I get so mad whenever I think about this whole issue.

The CBC story is the best one, with in depth thingers so you can read more about it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


As most of you know, Samuel L. Janzen has built or is building a badass trebuchet. I suggest to him that when he's finished he build one of these:
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and if that proves to be too difficult, perhaps the gravity death log would be better.




p.s. rock for recycling, Friday at Bishops, be there to rock and roll.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I'm getting into tattoo styles and this sort of popped out. I may have posted this already as it's old, but I don't think I did.
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Sketch dump

I've been sketching a little more at off moments at work when my pooter crashes, or on break, lunch waiting for Rena to get ready i nthe morning and i felt like posting the lot of them. Here you go, enjoy!

Classic. I love this poster. I also learned that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (one) was one of the highest grossing independent films of all time. Pretty rad eh?
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This is a robot I sort of got the idea from from a robot o nthe internet. Can't remember where. The gun is kind of sucky but the cheese sign is pretty gnarly.
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I did these two in a meeting last week. Doodling totally helps me to pay attention to people talking. If I don't occupy part of my brain the whole thing just wanders off. Basically doddling helps me pay attention.

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This is sort of creepy. I think I may have posted this one before. I forget.
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Ahh. . blue moon. Likeness is not so good but the idea of Mr. Walken being a robot isn't so odd.
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This is Curtis' idea of a good tattoo, only I mixed it up it should be Name Brand Whisky. If I were todo it again I'd make the banners and font bigger.
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Zoot zoot!

Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz

I'm jealous of people who can drink coffee and it makes the mfeel better and satisfied and puts them i na better modd etc. When I drink coffee it usually kind of hurts my stomach and makes me feel liek I have to poop, but I don't. Unless it's at night or with food. Then it's jsut kind of a drink, nothing special. Also I only really can enjoy coffee if it's in a mug. No paper cups or styrofoam, rolled up or not.
I guess I have issues.
People at work are so addicted to coffee it's wacky. They're coo coo for coffee puffs. They make me think I need coffee. Then i have soem and then my stomach feels bad and my brain cuts out.

So, basically what i'm getting at here is that I'm bored enough to make an entry about coffee.

liek i said, Issues.

p.s. rock for rcycling is postponed to April 14 (good friday) I hope that's not an issue for anyone. I'm pretty sure it isn't for me.

I've also been "myspace networking" and adding indie canadian bands and labels to our page. Why? I'm not really sure, it just seems sort of productive. AND a girl we don't know added herself as a friend to us. Go us!

Rock and Roll.

p.s. again I direct you to this is funny stuff that really can't be missed.

I gots mad blog drops B!

Ok, Jeff Rowland is kind of one of my heros. Here's a possible explanation why. (we are similar in some ways? Liek this one.)


"When you get to be a certain age, everything that is cool seems to be a lot of nonsensical, idiotic jibberish. The music that blares from the pimp rides makes no sense; it all sounds like a man with severe autism halfheartedly explaining human sexuality to a parrot, while in the background a dangerously unqualified Caribbean contractor rhythmically installs an automatic garage door opener. Bollocks.Fortunately Cowboy-Poets are shielded from the slow decay of rad. We make the rad, we plant the seeds of fresh. Terrible is not the new awesome, not at all. Wack it the new dope."
- Jeff Rowland

Possible painting

I doodled this out at work awhile back and i like it so much that i think this may be my first painting when I have time to paint. It's my wifey if she were a cartoon! Holy Smokes!
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My First University Essay

Who wants to learn about sleep deprivation? I bet YOU DO!


This essay will pose and attempt to answer the questions; how detrimental can lack of sleep be for an individual? How does sleep deprivation affect a person’s mental abilities? I will argue that the loss of sleep over time does have a negative effect on one’s mental abilities. Through the analysis of experimentation and case studies, this essay will show that loss of sleep in nearly any amount is detrimental to an individual’s mental well being. Facts state that concentrated effort can improve results, but only for brief periods. Research shows that loss of sleep over time does have a negative effect on mental abilities.

C. Brandon

The Effects of Sleep Loss Over Time


Background In this essay I will cover the topic of sleep deprivation and its effects on mental abilities. I was inspired to choose this topic due to a history of negative personal experience with lack of sleep. The experiences have ranged from feeling a little surly to feeling an intense frustration at an inability to think straight. I also thought that since I am just beginning my university career I should find out what I am up against. This area of research should be of interest to all people since everyone sleeps and it seems as though there aren’t many people who get all the sleep they need all the time. It is important to understand if and how lack of sleep can affect you, and what you can do about it. This essay will pose and attempt to answer the questions; how detrimental can lack of sleep be for an individual? How does sleep deprivation affect a person’s mental abilities?

Purpose It is very likely that everyone has experienced sleep deprivation at some time, whether they are aware of it or not. Staying up late cramming for exams, being awoken by your surprisingly loud baby, your bottle breaking dance music loving neighbors or just having a good time with friends - all can result in the loss of precious sleep. The consequences of a sleep deficit are usually quite small but can easily add up over the course of a week, or weeks, and can sometimes cause unwelcome effects. The loss of sleep over an extended period can be quite damaging and, based on some experiments on rats, can lead to death. Rechtschaffen (1965; cited in Coren, 1996, p 55). Aside from the grave consequences, the loss of sleep over time will have negative effects on an individual’s mental abilities such as impede response time, cognitive acuity and memory retrieval. Despite what Thomas Edison thought of sleep, “. . . loss of time, vitality, and opportunities,” sleep is indispensable to our health and well being.


The causes of sleep loss are as common as the effects that it, in turn, can cause. In many ways they are a big part of modern living in the capitalist countries with the continually harried pace of 21st century life. The struggle to be more productive with the meager 24 hours allotted to us in a day, cramming in those few extra pages of study and a couple of extra quotas before bed. It can even be for more innocent reasons as well, for instance; many people lose their precious sleep to caffeine drank too near to bedtime. Maybe psychologists are doing experiments on you? Perhaps a young couple’s cranky temperament and sullen expressions stem from their new bundle of joy that they struggle to call a miracle at 5am. Of course there are more uncontrollable issues and disorders that some unfortunate individuals struggle with that cause their lack of sleep. Sleep apnea is the inability to properly breathe while sleeping which can be a major part of interrupted slumber. Sleep walking, apart from being dangerous, can easily disturb a person’s rest. Other factors include narcolepsy which is intense sleepiness during the day with partial and total paralysis, night terrors that as yet no one knows the cause, and sleeping pills which can cause insomnia Lugaresi (1968; cited in Dement, 1972, 73 – 81). These are all things that over time can begin to cause symptoms of sleep deprivation in a person.

“Sleep Deprivation Influences Some but Not All Process of Supervisory Attention” by J.R Jennings et al, was an experimental study on one night of sleep deprivation and tests on supervisory attention the following day. There were ten men and ten women with a mean age of twenty-two. A twelve hour day of testing was carried out after an ordinary night’s sleep for control and then another twelve hour day of testing followed a night with no sleep at all a week later.

The testing consisted of arrows appearing on a computer screen of different size, colours and direction. The subjects were required to categorize the arrows by corresponding keys on the keyboard as quickly and accurately as possible.

The conclusions of the study were that a single night of sleep deprivation did not affect the subject’s ability to complete the tests given, but it did effect the speed they were able to complete the tasks. The sleep deprived subjects were considerably slower in their reaction time. (See Table 1 in appendix) I think it would have been interesting to see the study extended for at least a second day to see if results were more noticeable. Physical testing, surveys on mood and tests on decision making abilities could also have been administered as the researchers already had subjects in a sleep deprived state.

“One Night of Total Sleep Deprivation Impairs Implicit Learning in the Serial Reaction Task, but Not the Behavioral Expression of Knowledge” by Herbert Heuer & Wolfhard Klein, was an experimental study on total sleep deprivation of one night on learning. It included 18 male participants with a mean age of 24.9 years old. 12 were deprived of sleep in the lab and 6 were a control group who slept normally at home. They were all given several learning tests and were tested immediately and then again after a night with no sleep. The sleep deprived group scored lower than the control group on the tests given. Heuer & Klein believe this is mainly due to the inability of the sleep deprived group to stay motivated in their task. They also state that although the experimental group scored lower than the control group, the sleep deprivation did not affect their ability to remember what they had learned, which is interesting.

This study was very difficult to comprehend and could have done with a better layout of facts and conclusions as they were unclear. Also the control group was allowed to go home for sleep which does not seem like a particularly good way to impose guidelines and control on the control group.

“The Impact of Sleep Deprivation of Decision Making” by Yvonne Harrison & James Horne was a non-experimental study on several dozen different studies on sleep deprivation that focuses mainly on how sleep deprivation impairs innovation, dealing with the unexpected, making new plans, battling distraction and communication abilities. To summarize, it states that a sleep deprived person is able to function quite well doing complex, rule based tasks they know well as long as they are able to take a little more time to do them. The tasks also must be interesting and if nothing unexpected crops up they score fairly normally. If something unexpected does happen they are less likely to think of a new way around it or make the proper decision to solve that new problem. The sleep deprived person is very likely to soldier on with an inappropriate action because they know it well and have done it before instead of improving their tactics and solving the problem with a new action. The sleep deprived person has a notable lack of focused attention. In essence; logical deduction is fairly easy with the compensation of effort but innovative thinking is likely to be very difficult.

When a person cuts back on sleep for whatever reason, perhaps one of the reasons mentioned earlier, that act of cutting back accumulates into sleep debt. For instance if you need 8 hours of sleep a night and are only getting 6 hours every night for a week because of work or school (for example), your total sleep debt over 5 days is 10 hours of sleep in debt. That’s just a small simple example. Depending on lifestyle variables like shift work, school assignments etc., people can build up a much larger sleep debt and are unaware of the consequences. Stanley Coren outlines an exercise that he had hoped would increase his productivity at the expense of a little sleep. Over the course of a few weeks Coren cut back his sleep by a half hour each night eventually ending up at 5 hours a night. During those few weeks he had hoped he would do extra research and spend extra time writing books. In reality he ended up watching more TV, taking more time getting ready in the morning, making terrible mistakes in research notes and trying to publish sub-par papers. Ultimately he quit the experiment on himself when he found himself falling asleep at the wheel of his car. Coren (1996).

To demonstrate the impaired abilities of the sleep deprived look at Figure 2 in the appendix from the Jennings experiment, you’ll notice that the response time of the sleep deprived subjects are much slower than the control group. Granted the subjects still answered about as many questions right as the control group but significantly slower. Jennings et al (2003). Think about how important it is for someone to have quick reaction time if they are performing surgery or even the usually simple task of driving a car. Then think about how many emergency room doctors that don’t get enough sleep because of understaffed hospitals. The doctors are probably fine until a patient comes in with a problem they have never dealt with before. Sleep deprivation impairs the ability to form a strategy to cope with new stimulus Jennings et al (2003). In Heuer and Klein’s experiment the sleep deprived subjects scored a little faster than the control group before the night of deprivation, then after a night of no sleep that score changes significantly. The sleep deprived group scores considerably slower than the control group. (see appendix Fig. 1) Both of these experiments are performed after only one night of deprivation.

In studies of military simulations based on sleep deprivation, the officers had little trouble carrying out tracking and interception procedures for extended periods due to the high level of interest. The officers compensated with more effort because they were interested in the task and were able to perform normally. On the other hand, when those same officers were asked to plan ahead and do a cost benefit analysis on those plans, the sleep deprivation showed itself to be highly detrimental. The officers were unable to focus their attention long enough due to lack of interest. Wilkinson (1964, cited by Harrison & Horne, 2000).

The memory is also affected by a lack of sleep. In my experience with staying up all night it can be very difficult to remember when certain events took place over the course of the sleep deprived days. Participants in a study by Morris, Williams & Lubin (1960) could not remember when they had eaten certain meals but were easily able to remember what it was they had eaten. Harrison & Horne (2000). When your sleep debt stacks up it can negatively affect nearly all aspects of your mental abilities, response time, memory, decision making and concentration.

After seeing the effects of cumulative sleep loss on experimental test subjects for only a couple of nights, it is interesting to find out what effects no sleep at all can have on a person for and extended period. The following two case studies are found in greater detail in “Sleep Theives,” Coren p. 48 – 55 (1996). One example of extreme sleep deprivation was a man named Peter Tripp who was a New York radio show host who agreed to stay awake for two hundred hours straight (eight days) for charity. Tripp was observed for the entire 200 hour period and tested by various experts to determine his well being. After a few days he became quite irrational and could not focus for any reasonable length of time. After four days he was unable to recite the alphabet. As his time without sleep progressed, Tripp would hallucinate seeing bugs and spiders where there were none and became very paranoid and unable to distinguish between reality and his delusions. Oddly enough, when he performed his daily three hour radio show he was able to concentrate enough to complete his show without problems. At the end of his “experiment” Tripp slept for more than 12 hours and awoke to be the same person he had been before his deprivation, suffering no ill effects.

The other case study offered by Coren is one of Randy Gardner. Gardner was a 17 year old boy who decided to not sleep for eleven days (264 hours) for a science fair project and to attempt to get in to the Guinness Book of World Records. Negative effects began to show themselves after the second day without sleep; difficulty focusing his eyes and trouble identifying objects by touch. The effects grew more severe as time went on; moodiness, poor physical coordination, verbal difficulty, memory lapses, inability to concentrate, strange physical sensations, hallucinations and delusional paranoia. These effects all happened before day five, which in itself is fairly alarming. Gardner’s speech after day six began to slur and he would have difficulty finishing sentences and rarely would. His eyes also began to drift independently from one another and he developed a slight heart murmur that went away after he began sleeping again. After the 264 hours had ended Gardner slept for over 14 hours and was fine the next day. He suffered no ill effects much like Tripp. Coren (1996) Unfortunately, neither of these extreme case studies was a real psychological experiment and I was unable to find one of the same intensity so these case studies remain just that, case studies and nothing more. However, these studies do stand to support the statement that the loss of sleep over time does impede response time, cognitive acuity and memory retrieval. The similarities between the two suggest that you or I would fare much the same as Mr. Tripp and Mr. Gardner.


After thoroughly researching the matter of sleep deprivation, one finds it safe to say that loss of sleep in nearly any amount is detrimental to an individual’s mental well being. Whether it be writing an essay, directing air traffic, dealing with stress or even picking out home décor with a spouse, the amount of sleep experienced in the nights previous to the aforementioned activities will affect how one will react to any number of stimuli. The question is how much, and in what way? Research proves that in nearly all cases not having enough sleep will cause a person or animal to react in a way that is not quite up to par with a peer who has had enough sleep. A concentrated effort can improve results, but only for brief periods on a task the subject knows well or finds very interesting. Wilkinson (1992, cited by Harrison 2000, 237). This compensation can only last for so long, however, and when the novelty wears off or the situation changes too drastically for a person to cope with in a sleep deprived state, poor results ultimately occur. Harrison & Horne (2000). I know that in my personal experience a lack of sleep has always been a detriment to whatever I was trying to do. Essays are messy and poorly structured when I read them the next morning, driving is scary because I don’t notice things as quickly as I should, and paying attention to anything is a chore. As it stands, I believe the research shows that loss of sleep over time does have a negative effect on mental abilities. Thomas Dekker, a 16th century Elizabethan dramatist, summed the issue of sleep up nicely when he said, “[Sleep is] the golden chain that ties health & our bodies together.”


Coren, Stanley (1996). Sleep Theives. New York, New York: Free Press

Dement, William (1972). Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep.
Stanford California: Stanford Alumni Association.

Harrison, Yvonne & Horne, James (2000). The Impact of Sleep Deprivation
of Decision Making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 6, No. 3, 236 – 249.

Heuer, Herbert & Klein, Wolfhard (2003). One Night of Total Sleep
Deprivation Impairs Implicit Learning in the Serial Reaction Task, but Not the Behavioral Expression of Knowledge. Neuropsychology, Vol. 17, No. 3, 507 – 516.

Jennings, J.R, Monk, T.H. van der Molen, M.W (2003). Sleep Deprivation
Influences Some but Not All Process of Supervisory Attention. Psychological Science, Vol. 14, No. 5, 473 – 479.

This took me a long time to write and was hard! I hope to get at least a B.

Rock and roll! (sleep well. . .OR DIE LIKE RATS IN A MEAN EXPERIMENT!)

New Best artist of all time

Dude has a painting of the last supper with James Woods and Robocop. I don't think I need much more of a description aside from maybe this.
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Monday, April 03, 2006

Wood block carvingZOOT ZOOT

So this is my first one. I like the sketch better than the finished product but it's still ok. (sketch not shown) I'm using this one for my second project as well with heavy modifications. I'll post a picture of it sometime in the future after I finish doing it.
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Wood carving is hard. The wood from school is all dry and chips like crazy.

Wood block carving

Hola, this is part two of my first printmaking assignment. I like this one better.
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It's a little over inked and not perfect but it's pretty neat. Looks better in person.

B-634 on his own hat!

I made Curtis this rad hat for Christmas. It was terrifying to make. You can't erase markers on hats and you can't do it in pencil first. Thankfully i didn't make any mistakes. Maybe in the future I'll make more.
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